Standimation - Animated Stand Up

For this personal project, I turned stand up comedy bits into short, punchy visual essays.

  • Keep the Duration under 60 seconds.

  • Design the video to be vertical and horizontal at the same time.

  • Produce the entire thing from start to finish in under 7 days.

I wanted to explore the specific challenges of designing for both formats at the same time, so the same video could be used in various social formats, and produce it quickly.

I also wanted to showcase up and coming stand up comedians, and give a compelling visual dimension to the audio material without overshadowing the humor.

Ultimately this was a very rewarding process, and I’m excited to keep making stand up animations, both to showcase some of my favorite artists, and explore new motion graphics techniques.

Sabo Quick Thumbnails

Sabo Styleframes

Silver Moodboard

Sabo Quick Thumbnails

Silver Styleframes


Sabo Moodboard


Austin Pets Alive / Animated Branding


Lego / Build Anything